The PRO-BIO Association of Organic Farmers is the only nationwide association of farmers (farming in line with the principles of organic agriculture), processors and producers of organic foodstuff, advisers and supporters of organic agriculture. The Association operates in many fields but with the same objective – to develop organic farming and production of organic foodstuff in the Czech Republic. The PRO-BIO Association of Organic Farmers works at the regional, national and international levels and in addition to general public education activities it offers its members (farmers, processors and sellers) the following services:

- Member representation:
- Active participation of Association representatives in creating
- new legislation, funding programs (Rural Development Program, CAP preparation, organic farming legislation, etc.), observations and lobbying
- Individual assistance with problems or conflicts involving supervisory bodies, state administration, etc.
- Representation of members towards consumers – declaration of origin of Czech organic products from farms, propagation of members’ organic products, etc.
- Information and consultancy service:
- Support of business – diversification of activities, providing contacts within the sector (we are able to get in touch with other farmers in your neighbourhood, to negotiate cooperation, etc.)
- Assistance in marketing of organic products – websites, product labels, logos, etc.
- Assistance in furnishing of cheese factories, farm processing plants, cutting rooms, etc. (funding options, technical and legislative requirements or options)
- Assistance in establishment and management of a farm shop or organic shop – rules, marketing, legislative regulations, etc.
- Contact and cooperation with certification bodies (KEZ, ABCERT, Biokont)
- Contact with state supervisory bodies
- Assistance with fulfilment requirements of GAEC, HACCP, etc.
- Training and consultancy services connected with the eAGRI portal
- Specialised consultancy services – breeding of herbivores, growing of plants in OF in arable lands, growing or processing of fruits, vegetables, and more.
- Interest-free loans:
- Within a benefit fund we offer the members of the PRO-BIO Association (min. duration of membership is 1 year) an interest-free loan up to the amount of EUR 8000 with a maximum maturity of 24 months. This loan is meant to businesses start up (processing at a farm, sale support, support of agricultural activities, greenhouses, marketing, agro tourism, etc.)
- Educational events
- A regular educational event called the Bioacademy. Since 2011 this event has been organised primarily for farmers and offers a dedicated program (excursions to facilities, operational topics).
- Excursions to farms, processing facilities and organic shops in the CR as well as abroad (e.g. excursions to Switzerland – diary or grocery farms during the BioFach exhibition, as well as excursions to Austria, Slovenia, Great Britain, etc.)
- Trainings and workshops on various current topics (for news, contact the headquarters of the Association or your Regional Centre administrator).
- Publication activities (brochures, methodology, seeding days, etc.)
- Assistance in distribution and sale:
- Through the Prodej-Bio s. r. o. organisation, we help the members of the PRO-BIO Association (farmers) with the distribution and sale of their products.
- Assistance in establishing direct supplier-consumer cooperation – organic shops in your neighbourhood, organic boxes, markets, other consumer sites (shops or business networks)
- Targeted promotion and advertising
- Creation of advertising materials (boards), promotional materials (bags, packing papers, tissues, business cards, etc), promotional and educational materials (leafletts, brochures), publishing of the PRO-BIO Association Bulletin.
- Promotion of organic sector and general education:
- Articles for the EURO, Food revue, Farmer, Úroda and other magazines, websites and Facebook pages.
- Education at schools, at fairs or other themed events
- Information and financial support of participation at trade fairs, exhibitions and organic fairs:
- The PRO-BIO Association covers the participation of its members at such events, covers a portion of the participation fee (or covers it wholly), prepares promotional materials etc. (e. g. Bio- Fach, Biostyl, organic fairs and harvest festivals, etc.)
- Support of promotion of a farm for direct sale (farmers’ markets) or sale at the farm:
- Logo “Guaranteed by the PRO-BIO Association” shows our member’s customers that the product comes directly from the farm and was not imported from abroad or bought at a supermarket. The interest in products from farms is increasing and so is customer awareness of organic products. The origin of the organic food is also becoming more important!
- Members of the Association can use our exclusive product labels (include all compulsory data), at farmers’ markets, as well as when selling at the farm or supplying food to shops, etc.